Thursday, July 17, 2008

The sad truth about white tigers

this video says it all:

Cute wildcat videos

baby tiger video:

cat hybrids video:

cheetah baby video:

baby bobcat video:

baby liger video:

baby white tiger video:

baby ocelot video:

Cute lynx pics

These are some baby lynx pictures.

link 4 cute lynx video:

Please help the lynx, they are endangered animals.

the first picture is a bobcat-lynx hybrid this is a article about saving the lynx.

See you later!

Baby Panda Video/picture

this is a picture of a newborn baby panda.

for the cutest baby panda video EVER, click the link below:

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

adopt an animal- WWF

on wwf's website ( you can adopt an animal ( !!! No, not really own it.

Depending on the amount you donate you can earn the following things:

*photo ($25 or more)

*certificate ($25 or more)

*plush toy ($50 or more)

*box ($100 or more)

*plush family [only available on some choices] ($250 or more)

Credit to tgiggles8756 and her blog, plz visit it!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

GO GREEN! Help our enviornment!

Hey there!!! Today we are going to disscuss ways to help the enviornment. If you have an idea not on this list, post it on a comment! Okay, here it is:

1. Reuse, Reduse, Recycle! The 3 R's are very importent. do YOU want animals losing their habitats because of YOUR extra trash in the "newly expanded" Junkyard???

2. Donate to a local animal shelter. Animal shelters sometimes don't just always need money, but blankets, toys, and even stuffed animals too. Don't forget that you may also be able to volenteer: most animal shelters let kids start volenteeering at 13-16.

3. Raise animal awarness. Some people need to know about endangered animals. things like, Did you know Lions are close to being endangered? or Our local animal shelter siad they really needed some new toys.

4. Pick up trash and don't make your own! You may be suprised when you see barrels of trash on the sides of roads. You may feel that you wish they would go away but then lazily watch tv. Well, somebody's gotta do it! also, to help those already out there (and maybe even your future self!) PLEASE do not throw trash out the window!

5. Join a wildlife federation/orginazation/assosiation, etc. Some common groups are National Wildlife Federation and World Wildlife Fund.

*******************************THANKS FOR READING!******************************

tiger stuffed and sold on black market

This ten day-old Tiger was killed and stuffed then sold for twenty grand on the black market in London.


please, help the poor animals. credit to:

Please, help me make a stop to this animal cruelty now. Post a comment, and don't forget: help make the world a better place for everyone!!! And look out for my new post about how to help animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!

image is also from the link above.

PS: this tiger was so young that it's eyes hadn't even open yet.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Animal Hybrids

for those of you who haven't heard, animals have been bred with other animals to result in some amazing hybrid species. One of them is the Liger: the first and most commonly heard of. It is a mix between a male lion and female tiger. They are suprisingly big. look above to see this cool photo of a liger: Don't you see how large it is? Another hybrid is the Zorse. They are not heard of very often. As you can tell in the name, They are part horse part zebra. What is strange about them is that half of them is striped and half of them is not! Now, for a sea creature hybrid, is a wolphin. this species is a mix between a whale and dolphin. they are the size of a dolphin and VERY friendly! the next animal on our countdown is a wolf dog. Of coarse, they are a wolf and a dog, and obedience training is a must to tame it. It is unknown if they will use dog behavior or wolf behavior. Some other hybrid animals are:

-Iron age pig


-Grolar, Pizzly


-hybrid phesant

thanks for reading this great info.

Check out this great hybrid animals site!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cool Tornado Pictures!

These are some awesome tornado pictures I found browsing the internet! credit to Google image search,, and .

Take Pictures of Space on!

Here is a link to an awesome site:

This link sends you to, a place where you can take pictures of several places or things in space with their telescopes at Cambridge and Arizona.
Brought to you by Harvard University, this is a great site to get pictures of YOUR OWN! This is great for some astronomers, who don't have to give credit to someone else.

I found this cool picture of Saturn in the image directory!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Worlds First Dolphin/whale mix... a Wolphin!

World's first Wolphin! see this video:

Credit to ocean animals blog

THANK YOU FOR THE INFO tgiggles8756t

Bluefin Tuna Finally Extinct: Well Worth it, says Sushi Fans

Yes, it's true: eating sushi SO much finally caused the Bluefin Tuna it's extinction. For more, see the link above.

Jupiter at its Brightest!

Tonight, July 9th, Jupiter will be the biggest, brightest, and closest to Earth as it will be for all of 2008!!! DON'T MISS IT! Look low and Southeast for Jupiter, and it should be brighter than any star in the sky. The picture above is what it should look like.
Picture credit to , July 7th