Tuesday, July 15, 2008

GO GREEN! Help our enviornment!

Hey there!!! Today we are going to disscuss ways to help the enviornment. If you have an idea not on this list, post it on a comment! Okay, here it is:

1. Reuse, Reduse, Recycle! The 3 R's are very importent. do YOU want animals losing their habitats because of YOUR extra trash in the "newly expanded" Junkyard???

2. Donate to a local animal shelter. Animal shelters sometimes don't just always need money, but blankets, toys, and even stuffed animals too. Don't forget that you may also be able to volenteer: most animal shelters let kids start volenteeering at 13-16.

3. Raise animal awarness. Some people need to know about endangered animals. things like, Did you know Lions are close to being endangered? or Our local animal shelter siad they really needed some new toys.

4. Pick up trash and don't make your own! You may be suprised when you see barrels of trash on the sides of roads. You may feel that you wish they would go away but then lazily watch tv. Well, somebody's gotta do it! also, to help those already out there (and maybe even your future self!) PLEASE do not throw trash out the window!

5. Join a wildlife federation/orginazation/assosiation, etc. Some common groups are National Wildlife Federation and World Wildlife Fund.

*******************************THANKS FOR READING!******************************

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